Saturday, December 20, 2014

Nasopure Little Squirt to go

      • Cleans the pollens, bacteria and dust before it even roots itself in your child's sinuses and causes problem
      • Comfortable and effective
      • You can expect to see for your child are improved sleep, comfort and general health marked by fewer expensive doctor appointments

Okay, so I have joked in the past when my nose is stuffed up that I wish I could just take my nasal passage out rinse it and put it back in all nice and clean. I didn't think there was actually something out there that did that... Well minus the taking my nasal passage out part :)

My son and I both tried this, and the first thing we both said was that it sure felt weird! If you don't close your throat correctly it starts to drain there and it tastes like you just swallowed ocean water. Once you get your throat closed then the water does start to drain out the other side. Its not really an uncomfortable feeling it just feels weird and unnatural. I did get a slight headache shortly after; however, I can't say 100% it was from doing this because I had a headache earlier that day too. It did clear up the nasal passage though, and I could finally breath out both sides of my nose which was nice. I think after some regular use it wouldn't feel so weird to do. I did take a picture of me using it, but trust me nobody wants to see that haha.

This can be ordered from Amazon for $17.12 (at time of publishing) by clicking HERE.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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